Thursday, June 16, 2011

First things first

I have drawn all my life. I wanted to be a printmaker before I knew about printmaking. All I knew was I wanted a big wheel that I could get on and go round and round on. Walked into my drawing class, there was the etching press with a wheel I could get on and go round and round on. No, I didn’t try it. My drawing teacher Mr. Clifford would have killed me. I did ask, “What does that do?” He told me, “Etchings” “Where do I sign up?” I asked. It turned out there was no etching class but I found a way.

I was hooked so hooked that I never stopped looking for ways to do printmaking. I found printmakers who needed someone to edition for them. I signed on. I worked for five different printmakers by editioning their etchings. I also worked with a few artists to help them produce etching for their portfolios. With art, there are always trends and etchings were next replaced with the next trend. I had to shift with it. I moved on to my own printmaking.
My etchings and monotypes allow me to explore textures and designs in nature. Birds are a big part of my art. In order to study birds, natural textures and designs, I left my studio to explore birds and nature. It was a wake-up call. There are fewer birds. I create my art but I am also creating programs and projects on Jekyll Island to help bring awareness of our birds and their plight. As I post my monotypes and etchings if you see something you like comment on it.
The monies for your purchase of my art will enable the continuation of my work with the conservation of birds. Then my art will work for the birds.

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